
Archive for the ‘church’ Category

How do you deal with stress? Some people thrive on it, accomplishing more and getting energized by it. Not me.

I am one of those people who cannot handle an overabundance of tasks to do at once – I freak out and simply withdraw from life for a while when that happens. I can accomplish only a limited number of things per day, so when my lists gets too long, I freeze up and get nothing done instead.

We moved to a new apartment on Saturday (Hooray! We finally found sub-leasers to take over our most hated apartment), so this week has been filled with cleaning, unpacking, calling utility companies, and extreme back pain. And then throw in a bunch of church stuff (Relief Society calling). In short, I’ve been stressed.

But this time I’m trying not to freak out. I’m just doing what I can do. And I’ve been struggling with some personal issues, so I’m trying to treat myself with care and realize that I’m ok the way that I am. For now, this is all that I am and all I have to give to the world, and that’s ok.

My heart also hurts for friends and family who are dealing with struggles of their own. Life can truly be hard, and I wish I lived closer to them to be more of a support and help. I can only send my love and prayers and trust that they are strong, amazing people and can make it through the tough times.

Take a minute to count your blessings today. We all have more than we think we do. I’m going to try and be more grateful for mine.

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bad mood day

Yesterday was a good day. I got a lot of work done, and I felt confident that freelance writing is still the career for me. Today I just feel tired. I woke up thinking that it was Saturday and was pretty bummed that it’s not.

It doesn’t help that I have to write four REALLY boring articles today, that I’m getting frustrated about some church stuff, and that I was offered a part-time job that pays a ridiculously low sum (but I’m considering taking anyway…I just don’t know!)

I’m tired of being poor. I’m tired of feeling like I’m working hard and getting nowhere. I’m just in a bad mood today, so I guess you should feel lucky you don’t have to interact with me anytime soon. 😦

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a truly great man

Those who are LDS know that President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away yesterday. I’ve been so emotional today. It’s very hard to say goodbye to someone so amazing as he was. I never got to meet him, but he spoke at my commencement when I graduated from college, and I’ve seen him speak several other times. Each time, I felt his his spirit and knew I was in the presence of a great man.

President Hinckley positively impacted my life and the lives of so many others. I’m really going to miss him.

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giving thanks

This new church assignment I have (I work with the women’s organization) is taking up MUCH more time than I thought it would. I did nothing but church stuff today.

And in some ways it’s a good thing, because when I’m serving other people I don’t have time to worry or feel sad. But at the same time, I’m feeling overwhelmed and I don’t want to burn out. I’m not sure how to balance everything in my life…I just don’t want to have a meltdown.

So I’m really looking forward to taking Thanksgiving day off and spending the day with family and friends. We’re driving to Rome, Georgia to have Thanksgiving dinner with a friend from college and her family. It will be nice to get away and not think about work or church or anything else.

And if I don’t come back to my blog before then (which is likely), I want to say how thankful I am this year. We’ve been blessed in so many ways since moving to Georgia, and I haven’t focused enough on those things. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to pursue my dream to be a writer. I’m thankful for a husband who encourages me to follow my dreams and loves me no matter what. I’m thankful for new friends and old ones. And I’m very thankful for all the experiences I’ve had that have changed me and helped me grow.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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